Electrolysis is a treatment method for permanent hair removal that was invented more than 100 years ago. This method has been around the longest and proven the test of time. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, electrolysis is the only method that can claim to remove hair permanently. Most areas of the body can be treated with electrolysis, including the face, chest, abdomen and legs. It is very safe, reliable and effective. It is a suitable treatment for all hair and skin types. Unlike depilatories or bleaches, no harsh chemicals are used.

Electrolysis involves delivering energy via a fine sterile needle into the hair follicle. The energy destroys the cells responsible for hair growth. The loosened hair is then removed with sterile stainless steel tweezers. There are no permanent side effects. Sometimes, a slight reddening of the skin occurs after treatment, but this lasts usually only for a few hours.

I review your post-treatment care with you to minimize

inflammation so your skin looks good the next day. I have several products that you can use to follow up on treatment. Remember to only use fresh makeup to minimize the risk of infection.

For client safety and infection control, I use an autoclave which provides hospital-grade sterilization on all reusable stainless steel instruments. The autoclave is checked monthly with spore samples to ensure good working order. My equipment includes a Leica surgical microscope which magnifies 1200 % meaning I can see that hair and my insertions are more accurate. My computerized epilator provides a consistent pulse without fluctuations in energy which could affect the outcome of your treatment. I use single-use sterile needles, single-use latex gloves and the treatment room is cleaned after every client.

During your consultation, I may take a digital image of the hair growth on your face and I chart your health history to determine the cause of your hair growth. Many factors influence hair growth and I help you understand your hair growth problem. Using visual aids, you’ll learn how electrolysis works and learn the differences between electrolysis, laser and other hair removal methods.

Just like the doctor, I chart all of your information after your treatment including the number of hairs treated and graph your treatments so you can track your progress.

You will need to return for several treatments over the span of your hair growth cycle of about one year. The total number of sessions needed to remove hair permanently from a particular area of your body varies from person to person. Consistent appointments will give you the results you are looking for. Electrolysis works on all hair colours and skin tones. However, as a result of hormonal issues or side effects of medication I cannot stop your body from producing new hair in different follicles, I can only successfully stop the hair that is growing.


Advanced Electrolysis is pleased to introduce its clients to laser hair removal and facial treatments using the Cutera Coolglide Intense Pulsed Light system. The Cutera CoolGlide provides the best laser hair removal system on the market for all skin types and tones, from light to dark, including tanned patients. Its innovative design allows for effective, safe and permanent results.

Coolglide Laser Hair Removal 

What areas can be treated with the CoolGlide?

The CoolGlide can remove hair from all parts of the body including: the face, legs, arms, underarms, and back. It can also treat sensitive areas like the chest, nipples, and bikini line.

What do CoolGlide treatments feel like?

As the name implies, the CoolGlide handpiece cools and soothes as it glides along your skin. When the pulse of light is delivered, some patients experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. No local anesthesia or pain medication is typically required; however, some patients may prefer to use a topical anesthetic when sensitive areas are treated.

How many treatments will I need?

Most areas require 3-6 treatments. However, the number of CoolGlide treatments required for optimal long-term benefits depends on multiple factors – hair thickness, the area treated and your hair’s growth cycle. Interestingly, not all hairs are actively growing at the same time and actually go through three distinct phases: growth, regression, and resting. CoolGlide treatments work by disabling the hair that is principally in the active growth phase at the time of treatment. Since other hairs will enter this active growth phase at different times, additional treatments may be necessary to disable all of the hair follicles in a given area.

What happens after the treatment?

Immediately following your CoolGlide treatment, the area may appear a bit red and swollen. Three to seven days after treatment you may experience what seems to be regrowth of hair. Actually, most of these hairs are being shed as a result of your treatment and are not regrowing. Between treatments you should not wax or pluck your hair, but it is permissible to shave.

Are there any restrictions on my activity after treatment?

Following the treatment, you can return to your normal activities right away, but some redness may occur. The use of sunscreen is recommended on any treated areas exposed to the sun. In addition, your physician may recommend that you use a specially formulated skin care product line or prescribe a skin care regimen especially formulated for your skin type.

What are the possible side effects?

Although patients experience few side effects, the most commonly noticed are slight reddening and local swelling of the skin, similar to a sunburn. These effects typically last for several hours or less. In rare instances, blistering may occur. Consult with your medical professional for c2012-12-04t.

Why choose CoolGlide over other laser hair removal systems?

Using the latest technology in laser hair removal, the CoolGlide can rapidly treat large areas. The CoolGlide longer wavelength allows it to be used safely and effectively on patients with light or dark skin as well as tanned skin. Unlike other laser hair removal systems, the CoolGlide can treat the fine hair on a woman’s upper lip just as easily and effectively as the coarse hair on a man’s back. The cooled handpiece increases patient comfort and minimizes the adverse skin reaction commonly seen with other lasers.

So the next time you’re thinking about laser hair removal, have a look at my competitive pricing and come to Advanced Electrolysis for Coolglide treatments you are sure to find cost-effective and highly satisfactory.


Limelight Photo Facials

The LimeLight Facial is a new, non-invasive approach to skin rejuvenation using Cutera’s LimeLight. The procedure offers the advantage of improving skin tone and surface imperfections associated with aging and sun damage. The skin rejuvenation treatments tone down dilated capillaries, brown spots, freckles, hyper pigmentation and thread veins.

What areas can be treated?

The LimeLight Facial is ideal for any part of your face, neck and décolleté with skin redness, telangiectasia (tiny veins) or brown spots. Light (low contrast) brown spots, which were previously difficult to resolve, respond very well to treatment.

What does the treatment do?

We customize your LimeLight Facial to your skin type and selectively treat the brown and/or red pigmented areas on your skin. It’s the heating of the pigmented brown or red cells that causes the therapeutic effect.

What do treatments feel like?

When the pulse of light is delivered, patients will experience a mild pinching or stinging sensation. Gel is recommended to cool the skin before vascular treatments. Anesthesia or pain medicine is typically not required.

How long will the treatments take?

Treatment time depends on the area of the body being treated. However, most treatments should take less than one hour.

How many treatments will I need?

One to three treatments are usually sufficient to see results. Additional treatments may be recommended, especially for excessively sun-damaged skin.

What happens after the treatment?

Immediately following treatment, brown spots will start to darken and your skin may appear slightly red. The treated area may be mildly swollen. This typically lasts a few hours and possibly a day or longer. Make-up can be applied to cover the redness.

When will I see results?

Within one to three weeks, the darkened spots will flake off and fade. Diffuse redness or telangiectasia will decrease and your mottled complexion will improve.

Will the spots and redness reappear over time?

New brown spots, telangiectasia and diffuse redness may appear with new sun damage; however they too can be treated. Remember to always apply broad-spectrum sunscreen when outdoors to minimize sun damage and the appearance of new spots and diffuse redness. Rosacea is chronic and cannot be “cured” with any laser or light source, however its appearance can be improved.

Laser Genesis

Laser Genesis helps reverse the signs of aging before they start by restoring your skin’s healthy appearance and addressing visible imperfections such as sun damage, fine lines, redness and scarring. It’s a completely customizable laser and light-based system optimized to treat the widest range of today’s most common nonsurgical aesthetic concerns—veins, pigment, wrinkles, hair removal, and skin revitalization with a single, robust aesthetic device.

To view or download the xeo Laser Genesis brochure click here.

What areas can be treated?

The system is optimized for effective hair removal, treating vascular lesions on the face and lower extremities, and includes the highly popular, no-downtime laser genesis procedure for skin revitalization.

What do treatments feel like?

During the procedure, gentle micro-pulses of laser energy are sent to the skin to activate collagen remodelling to give your skin its smooth, radiant complexion.

How long will the treatments take?

In less than one hour, you can start to experience the amazing renewal properties of Laser Genesis. This gentle procedure requires no downtime. In fact, you can even do it on your lunchtime and be back at work immediately.

How many treatments will I need?

For maximum results, you’ll want to follow a complete treatment series with full results seen in as few as four treatments.

What happens after the treatment?

Following your procedure, you may notice a slight redness, which will resolve within a few hours. Apply sunscreen and makeup, and feel free to return to your normal daily activities.

When will I see results?

From the first treatment, the laser begins to correct fine lines, diminish unwanted brown spots and facial redness, and improve the overall health and appearance of your skin.


What are the benefits of choosing Laser Genesis?

Laser Genesis has a high safety profile with minimal side effects, making it the perfect option for virtually anyone wanting to turn back the signs of aging and get a head start on their future look.


Waxing is one of the most popular temporary methods for removing unwanted hair for both men and women. Most parts of the body can be waxed including Brazilian waxing for men and women, buttocks and back. Waxing removes the hair at the root and exfoliates the epidermis leaving the skin soft and supple.

Results last from 3-8 weeks depending upon the individual. It is an effective method especially to remove large amounts of hair at one time. Its a very cost effective way to remove unwanted hair for those special occasions or for every day living.

Advanced Electrolysis offers a wide range of waxing services including:


  • Brow style
  • Lip or Chin Wax
  • Full facial waxing
  • Underarm
  • Arm wax
  • Full leg (includes bikini line)
  • Knee to ankle half-leg wax
  • Bikini line
  • Brazilian for women
  • Buttocks


  • Guybrow
  • Brow, Nose and Ear
  • Buttocks
  • Back wax (including shoulders, neck and arm to elbow)
  • Boy Brazilian

I use a hard wax which is different from strip wax. The wax is applied thickly with no cloth or paper strips. The wax then hardens when it cools allowing for easy removal with out the aid of strips or cloths. Cleanliness and sanitation are my first priority. The treatment room is cleaned and sanitized between clients to avoid cross contamination. I never use the same wax source or wood spatulas on more than one client. This avoids contamination and reassures my commitment of infection control. My waxing services are among the best in the area.

In my waxing method I will test a small area of skin with the wax to ensure the temperature is correct. I warm up the wax to the right temperature to allow it to spread easily over your skin in the direction of the hair growth. Your hair is covered with the wax which then cools and grasps the hair. Then in a second I pull off the strip like a band aid removing the wax and the hair with it. I remove any remaining wax residue with a wax remover, if appropriate. I apply a lotion or gel to alleviate some of the redness associated with waxing. Your skin should be back to normal in anywhere from a few minutes to a couple of hours.

I have specialized products which help manage ingrown hair inflammation. Hair waxing can cause your skin to sting and I find applying soothing lotion to be helpful afterwards. Some people find their skin may react with redness and bumps which typically disappear after a few hours. A simple way to greatly minimize the discomfort is to press hard on the skin right after the waxing strip is pulled off. Additionally, you may wish to apply ice over the waxed area to help reduce the risk of swelling and skin irritation.

I do not recommend waxing for clients with varicose veins as waxing could exacerbate the valve problem. Users of Retin A and Retisol A and Differin should discontinue use three days prior to waxing to reduce post-treatment inflammation. Waxing should not be done on people with psoriasis, eczema or on skin that is irritated, chapped or sunburned.

People who are inexperienced with waxing often find trying to do it on their own at home is messy slow and difficult. They usually end up breaking the hair at the surface instead of removing the entire hair follicle. Hair grows back quickly if its only broken.

Generally most people find that wax treatment performed by a trained and experience practitioner usually results in less pain, complete hair removal and find satisfaction with soft smooth skin results and coordinated hair cycling.

So the next time you’re thinking about waxing, have a look at my competitive pricing and come to Advanced Electrolysis for a wax treatment you are sure to find cost effective, less painful and highly satisfactory.

Why Waxing Lasts Longer Than Shaving And Depilatories

Chemical shaving. It doesn’t penetrate the skin to the dermal papilla so there is no slowing down hair growth. The product has an unpleasant smell and can burn your skin. I never recommend depilatories.

Waxing completely removes the hair follicle down to the dermal papilla. Consequently, when you wax your legs, the follicle will regenerate and that takes about 3 weeks. Your legs stay smoother for longer. However, all hairs cycle at different times so some of the hair you wax out will not actually be a “growing hair”. Some will be in a shed stage (telogen) so those hairs are on their way out beginning to form in the dermis to replace the shedding hair. Those are the hairs that will appear first after you wax your legs. They could show up in a little as a week. I discuss this with clients so they know what to expect. I usually show clients the underside of their used wax strip which clearly shows the cycling follicle.

Waxing lasts longer then shaving. Shaving simply cuts off the hair. The follicle under the skin just keeps growing, which is why it feels short and prickly the next day. Its just short. If you let the hair grow longer, it will feel softer.


All of us, especially as we get older, have different types of skin problems. These problems can arise as a result of physical imbalances of our organism as well as psychological troubles. Sun, age, virus, hormonal imbalance, chemical or thermal trauma can cause different skin irregularities such as milias (whiteheads), comedones (blackheads), fibromas (pigmented growths), hemongiomas, skin tags, age spots, pimples, broken capillaries, keratosis, cholesterol deposits, cysts, telangiectasis, pores, cherry angiomas, etc.


Photo facial is a term for a skin treatment that uses some kind of light-based technology, primarily for boosting collagen, treating brown spots, and diminishing broken capillaries. Other names for photofacials are foto facials, facial rejuvenation and photo rejuvenation.